2025 B365’s Kingdom League
2025 Kings Court
1- 1 Ralph Wiggumson 👑 (kc)
2- 2 Tim McLeod (kc)
3- 3 Lucas Biery (kc)
4- 1 Chris Winder 👑 (ql)
5- 2 Graham Zumaiha (ql)
6- 1 Dan Hovestol 👑 (rc)
7- 1 Greg Lambert 👑 (bd)
8- 1 Rob Thayer 👑 (kt)
9- 1 Mike Pinkerton 👑 (psvi)
10- 1 Matt Kuznarsky 👑 (psvii)
11- 1 Kenneth Hohbach 👑(psviii)
12- 1 Scott Norris 👑 128* (pepx)
13- Khang Do (kc)
14- Andrew McQuiston (kc)
15- Justin Hughes (kc)
2025 Queens Lair
1 Robert Ewing 👑 125 (pepxi)
2 Rando Spaulding 👑124.5 (cjxii)
3 Brent Eads 👑124.5 (cjxii)
4 Zack Matthews 👑 123 (pgxiii)
5 Michael Mortensen 👑119 (psix)
2024 B365 Kingdom League FINAL Standings:
Payout: 1st $225, 2nd $100, 3rd $50
B365DnH1 Kings Court:
1 Ralph Wiggumson 👑 115.5
2 Tim McLeod 106
3 Lucas Biery 104.5
4 Brandon-Katy Hardee 101.5
5 Steve Long 97.5
6 Dennis Timko 80.5
7 Tim Nagy 77
7 Derek Ambrose 77
9 Khang Do 72.5
10 Ken Kronstadt 71
11 Scott Chu 67
12 Jeffrey Isoe 64
13 Andrew McQuiston 62.5
14 Justin Hughes 60.5
15 Kenneth Heroux 43
B365DnH2 Queens Lair:
1 Chris Winder 👑 124
2 Graham Zumaiha 112.5
3 Andrew Price 107
4 Mike Russell 99
5 Jeremy Gibbs 93
6 Chris Penitz 92
7 Famy Mam Greevy 89
8 Steve Trapani 72.5
9 Stephen Starmer 69
10 Steve Allaway 68.5
11 Bob Wragg 67.5
12 Steve Wocken 65
13 Andrew Spradlin 64
14 Brian Bubba Entrekin 54
15 Mike Fitzenberger 23
B365DnH3 Rooks Castle:
1 Dan Hovestol 👑 124
2 Brett Selinger 112
3 Zane Mistry 109.5
4 Joe Curley 105.5
5 Ed Overend 100
6 Tim McCreesh 96
7 Jason Neufeld 92.5
8 Justin Nolte 73
9 Corey Pieper 64.5
10 Barry Conroy 61
11 Will Garofalo 59.5
12 Jon Dean 59
13 Samuel Wirsching 54
14 Jordan Beachy 51
15 Jayson Moyer 38.5
B365DnH4 Bishops Den:
1 Greg Lambert 👑 123
2 Ray Kuhn 116
3 Mark Viso 108
4 Anthony Del Broccolo 99
5 Jeff Sweeney 98.5
6 Chris Muhlhausen 90.5
7 Glen Abel 83.5
8 Ken Jaslow 80
9 Russell Johnson 79
10 Ryan Holewinski 76
11 John Michel 67.5
12 John Cybulski 57
13 Ryan Buntrock 53.5
14 Darren Teysedou 40
15 Gary Sonnefeld 29.5
B365DnH5 Knights Table:
1 Rob Thayer 👑 114
2 Josh Coleman 111
3 Darren Waggoner 100.5
4 Mike Robins 97.5
5 Elliot Golden 93
6 Matt Cathey 90.5
7 Dave LeClerc 85
8 Peter Guigli 84
9 Paul Wapnowski 77
10 Jacob Book 72.5
11 Sharon Wilkins Hill 67.5
12 Nate Rice 59.5
13 Ed Caprio 54.5
14 Eric Anderegg 52.5
15 Brian Crump 42
B365DnH6 Pawns Shop VI:
1 Mike Pinkerton 👑 132
2 Chris Lakey 128
3 Joshua Mayo 117.5
4 Ryan DeVault 98
5 Jordyn Thayer 90.5
6 Scott Gilroy 87
7 Jason Allen 77
8 Jeff Michaud 73
9 Morgan Day 72.5
10 Eric Coraccio 68.5
11 Andrew Morton 63.5
12 Geoff Frost 62.5
13 Tim Collins 57
14 Kenny Butrym 46
15 Scott Courlander 27
B365DnH7 Pawns Shop VII:
1 Matt Kuznarsky 👑 112.5
2 Scott Weinstein 108
3 James Patrerson 104
4 Carlos Paez 95
5 Stevens Anderson 93
6 Jason Stevens 91
7 Dean Williams 88
8 Patrick Walsh 87
9 Jeremy Webster 83.5
10 Corey Johnson 83
11 Matt Mountin 70
12 Trevor Lippman 61
13 Daniel Hajba 48
14 Andrew Hubbard 42.5
15 Chris Caulfield 33.5
B365DnH8 Pawns Shop VIII:
1 Kenneth Hohbach 👑 117
2 Greg Keresztury 105
2 Christopher Olson 105
4 Tito Luna 100
5 Bill Curtin 93
6 Hernan Cortes Bautista 93
7 Steve Lodes 80
8 Mike Cangiano 79
9 Ricky Smith 78
10 John DeWeese 75
11 Holton Siegling 71.5
12 Derrick Dimon 61.5
13 Alex Afanador 59
14 Evan James 56
15 Kevin Hannon 28
B365DH9 Pawns Shop IX:
1 Michael Mortensen 👑 119
2 Cam Hicks Gustafson 117.5
3 Jonathan Ferris 115.5
4 Ethan Connelly 112
5 Lou Landers 110
6 Patrick Wilmes 92
7 Ricky Yee 82
8 Jesse Weaver 72.5
9 Cameron Frederick 72
10 Kent Dunlop 68
11 Joey Lano 65
12 Steve Stoughton 53.5
13 Jon Thompson 48
14 Hunter Raikes 37
15 Timothy Noyes 36
B365DH10 Pawns En Passant X:
1 Scott Norris 👑 128*
2 Michael Fleming 105
3 Ronald Cavanaugh 104.5
4 Alphonso Wesley Jr. 99
5 Chris Budoris 98
6 Logan Smith 89
7 Lance Helgerson 88
8 Justin Meeson 77.5
9 Julio Ramos 68
10 Sam Armstrong 65
11 Spiro Vourlos 64
12 Chris Gravel 61
12 John Brown 61
14 Brian Howard 47
15 Ross Toellner 45
B365DH11 Pawns En Passant XI:
1 Robert Ewing 👑 125
2 Derek James 121
3 Michael Arbour 117.5
4 John Nguyen 114.5
5 Oscar Hudson 91
6 Brody Paquette 89
7 Nathan Winfield 82
8 Josh Miller 69.5
9 Mark A Schlabach 69
9 Dagan Cassale 69
11 Mark O'Laughlin 62
12 Derrick Katter 60
13 Steve Myers 51.5
14 Brian Jennerich 41
15 Johnny Farrell 38
B365DH12 Court Jesters XII:
1 Rando Spaulding 👑 124.5
1 Brent Eads 👑 124.5
3 Jerry OReilly 121
4 Helder Dos Santos 103
5 John Carando 99
6 Christopher James 82
7 Shawn Gonnella 77
8 Danny Chester 74
9 Gerry Geurts 68.5
10 Shaun Michael Mattson 67.5
11 John Hammond 61.5
12 Ray Wright 61
13 Josh Silber 59
14 Chris Tullo 54
15 Dave Luiz 23.5
B365DH12 Pawns Gambit XIII:
1 Zack Matthews 👑 123
2 Marcelo Mtz 114.5
3 Danny Cota 103.5
4 Marc Crosby 97.5
5 Keith Gregory 93.5
6 Zach Weidman 92.5
7 Hector Kang 89.5
8 Rob Quinn 73.5
9 David Odom 70
10 Justin Lemarche 69
11 Mike Buttigieg 68
12 Payton Thayer 65
13 Tony Fusco 62.5
14 Ben Thompson 52
15 Jake Vega 26
* How to attain status in the coveted Kings Court:
The top 3 from Kings Court will remain in Kings Court. The top 2 from Queens Lair will advance to the Kings Court. Champions from the top 8 Houses will be crowned King and join The Kings Court. The remaining Houses will have 1 representative join Kings Court (the champion with the highest point total of the bottom 4 Houses will advance to the Kings Court with the other Champions advancing to the Queens Lair). The final 3 spots are reserved for 3 of the 4 Kingdom’s Royal Residents, Justin Hughes, Tim McLeod, Andrew McQuiston, and Khang Do. (The Royal Resident with the lowest point total will entertain the Queens Lair for a year…if 1/4 is not in the top 3 of the Kings Court)